Unstoppable Off-Grid Adventures: How the LiTime 100Ah Battery Transformed My 4WD Camping Experience
My name is Mick from the YouTube channel OzTrax 4x4. I am an experienced remote 4WD tourer/camper here in Australia as well getting into a bit of hiking, and occasional fishing here and there.
With a fully-loaded 4WD and having an AGM battery fitted up for the last 4 years, I figured it was time to upgrade to something a lot lighter in weight that will provide me with more time off-grid.
Li-Time gave me the opportunity to put the Li-Time LiFePo4 100ah Group24 battery through a massive stress test in the hottest environment over a scorching summer here in Australia and it has performed flawlessly with zero issues.
From the moment I received it, it was just a great experience. With decent packaging, and being very lightweight with ample instructions and paperwork, I was keen to give it a red hot go, which I did!
Not having to start my Landcruiser before bed to charge up the battery is just another tick for this battery. Constant cycling of my fridge/freezer setup overnight is now not an issue. Coupled with a 170w solar panel for charging during the day, this has allowed me to pretty much go indefinitely off-grid, only having to head into civilization to resupply food, drink and water when on the road.
Where I was using 30% battery per night with the AGM battery (AGM only has 50% usable power before needing to be charged), I am now using 12% total overnight! A huge improvement!
I now do not have to worry about running out of power on those long adventures away and neither should you.
If you're looking for reliable power, look no further than Li-Time and their battery options. There will be something to suit everyone, whether that be a self-contained 4WD setup, caravan or camper trailer